all in my head

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hey everyone. ive been getting alot of head pain on and off since starting treatment. it feels like throbbing, sharp pains that move all around my head and into my jaw. my head also feels shaky too. sometimes it hurts so much i cant hold up my head b/c it feels so heavy! ugh its scary and weird if anyone has experienced these ever i would greatly appreciate ur feedback!

emmarenee's picture

I haven't experienced this myself but have read several posts about it. Matia also asks me at every phone appt. if I've had any headaches. So I would think this is a normal part of treatment. Tammy

Clueless's picture

During the course of treatment I have had a lot of bad headaches, especially sinus ones.  Sometimes the pain radiates into my jaw.  I also have TMJ.  I have found that there are a lot of strange pains while going through these cleanses.

toreyg's picture

do u still have these pains? if not when did they subside for you?

Clueless's picture

I have them off and on.  Matia got rid of my left sided migraine type headaches, but I still suffer off and on with really bad headaches which I think are sinus related.  With the sinus type headaches the pain will radiate into my jaw area.  These cleanses seem to produce some really strange symptoms at times.

nicole's picture

Torey I get them and they were much worse in the begining for me. Much like your discribing now. I too was very scared but they are seeming to get better and we seem to have a lot of the same symptoms. I remember thinking I was going to go insane and really just in the last month they have really eased up to where there not as intense. I still get them they move around.Matia would tell me it's good that it is moving because it's working on other areas not being stagnant. i think the inflamation the yeast leaves behind as we clense can cause a lot of discomfort too. You have to know that the bacteria and fugus is a living thing and it will cause an whole range of symptoms. I often feel like a circut board and I wish I could just turn off till it's all better but just know it does get better and the early days are the hardest. Try to make some peace in your life somewhere. Do an hr of medatation or something to give your brain some healing. Feel free to call me too it's been a crazy day here so I am sorry I hadn't called you sooner.much love

toreyg's picture

for the support. this head pain is so crazy. its not like a normal headache, nothing ive ever experienced before getting sick so its quite scary. its hard not to worry thinking i have a tumor or something really bad! im sure its all die off from what matia says, but it does help to have comfort from others and that im not going crazy:)

emmarenee's picture

It's hard not to worry. This disease tries to make hypochondracs of us all. The body is so complex. Matia's understanding of the body and of this disease blows my mind. Everyday I feel blessed to have found her. Tammy

nicole's picture

Sounds like the fungus talking you know it is ALIVE it is ALIVE so think about that you have something living in you now so of corse its going to make you react all kinds of ways but your going to get through it and beat this. We all are beating it one day at a time and just think of people like APrils post and Angela but it all takes time and your journey has just begun. I Know already you have made improvements you just need to own them and know that you are on your way to a brand new body and mind. I can not wait to celebrate with you Torey. We are going to go someplace together when this is all over and have a healthy  fun vacation. Try to stay positive. I know this diease makes you go crazy look at some of my old posts you will see just hit track and I am sure you will get a better understanding on how this disease makes one feel. YOur not alone in this and you will get through this. It's normal to feel this way though and i can not wait for our day when we are well both mind and body.
Much love hang in there :)

icnot4me's picture

Hi Torey!I have experienced many severe headaches with treatment.  I learned that mine were related to bowel issues--things that would cleanse or stimulate my bowels can cause awful headaches that move.  I used to call them "digestive migraines" b/c no pain medicine would take care of it.   I had to wait for spasms to change or shift in my digestive tract for pain to ease.  Sometimes I would try to eat and as the food was goiong down, I could feel the pain shift in my head, very nauseating.  Almost a motion sick feeling.  Is that kind of like what you have?  I know I've had some nasty headaches with treatmenthang in thereicnot4mePS: are you the Torey on FB that sent me a friend request?