Hi everyone,
I’m only in treatment for 2 months but I wonder how long it can take before you start to feel improvement? I’m struggling with a lot of symptoms, many of them are die-off, like dizziness, a sore throat, tiredness, flu symptoms… but did some of you also have symptoms before treatment that got worse when you started with the diet and herbs? I don’t want to look too impatient because I know that it’s a slow process but my leg and abdomen pain (which I also had before treatment) often drive me crazy, it get cramps and an inflamed feeling and around ovulation I feel awful.
Can it also be a good sign if certain things feel worse at the beginning? I read that some of you started to improve very early in treatment, but is it possible that it can take 6 months to a year (or longer) before you start to notice improvement?
This is a natural question- one we all ask Matia and ourselves and each other. HOW LONG is this going to take? One of the most frustrating things about IC is the unknown elements - it not like a cold which we all know -okay I can get better in about 3 weeks tops mostly 5 days- the unexpected reactions positive and negative of IC driv eme nuts! the die off symptoms which can vary and change rapidly over the months of treatment. There is no final answer for this question- there is only estimations and possible scenarios and guesses until true wellness starts to manefest after the time and good care has been applied to the body. Arming yourself with patience again and again is crucial because it can be soo baffling frustrating and dishearetening to go through treatment for some time and work so hard and see very little improvement. BUT! In the beginning and keep in mind treatment sensationspostiive/negative are truly relative to the individual but "improvement" that is noticable can be very small. YOu may notice that one little thing that used to bother you- has gone away. Right now- I think that feeling worse in way really truly is a sign of "improvement in the works" and that seems counterintuitive because alot of us associate more pain or symtoms with getting worse but in this case because you are in treatment we have to consider that the nature of the symptoms are not as a result of health falling apart but of the imbalence in your body breaking apart being dredged up and pulled out of your cells and eliminated from your system! This hurts and causes all kinds of reactions and uncomfortable sensations. Stirring up the sludge I accumulated over the years and getting rid of it slowly and thoroughly is the most uncomfortable thing I have ever experienced. It is no joke! I initially experienced some pain releif with Matia's herbs but my tolerence for the pain adjusted and I was in what I look back now and see in the beginning I had made a little progress but was inching along before a noticable improvement. I started having a good day every once in a while at about 6 months. this was followed by several so-so or crappy days. I went back and forth for along time. I finally made it to list 3 after 1 year. My dizzyness went away at 3-4 months. I had that too it was horrid! It came back for a minute but much milder and then went away after a few days. REally try to live in the moment- take it one day at atime and just make each day the best treament day. this will accumulate into good improvement. and work really hard on your diet choices and staying on your notes and obsevations for Matia. make each day the most healing choices. The hard work will pay off. Everything is sooo cumulative. progress is seen and real. give yourself at least one year to notice improvements- small or large. It all depends on alot of things- how sick you are and how much you cheat or not cheat on the diet-I think it is normal to feel worse in treatment cause your body is cleansing. so you are improving beleive it or not but what you mean is- before you see less die off crap?I think this may depend on how sick you were and how much yeast you are dealing with- I know I have alot because I've had lots and lots of antibiotics in my system but it doesn't matter because I can get better and rebalenced and you will too. You will see improvements before a year probably but two months just isn't very long and I recall feeling really bad at two months. Things will improve steadily in ways that will be a releif - your die off will get less intense. when I can't say but trust that your body is working hard and doing the best it can to regain health. It will happen. celebrate the little things in the meantime. I never thought I would ge to where I am now and I still have a ways to go yet but I have come a LONG way to get here and have busted my a@# to get here. peace be with youMary
Hi honeybee,Thanks a lot for your support, it's really encouraging to hear positive stories when you are so early in treatment. Patience is so important but sometimes so difficult. At the moment everyone around me is getting pregnant, all my friends are having their first babies and my boyfriend and I are stuck in this situation and it's hard not to know when things will get better again. I really try to stay positive and try to believe that I will get better, but on my worst days I get pessimistic about everything, probably like many people that have just started treatment. Feeling worse can indeed be a reaction of the imbalance breaking apart. I will try to make the best of each day, thanks for your kind words.vicky