swimming pools

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Do you know if it is OK to swim in salt water pools?  I know chlorinated pools are not approved?  My friend invited me over to swim in her salt water pool.  I was wondering if there are other chemicals in salt water pools that are not good for a person in treatment with Matia.


emmarenee's picture

and when I asked her about this, she said salt water pools should not bother me. I recall her reccom the salt water pool as a good alt to chlorine.. Tammy

veryhappymom's picture

I swam in a "salt water pool" today and had my first BIG flare in weeks.  As I researched salt water pools, they appeared to contain almost as many chemicals as chlorinated pools.  Here are two eco friendly alternatives.
Green Option 1:
"...If you are truly striving for an environmentally-friendly swimming experience, it’s hard to top a pool filled with drinkable water. In all due respect to the other options, I have chosen to review what I see to be the greenest approach to pool care available today. 
Based on a concept designed by NASA, a few companies have developed oxidation/ionization systems for pool sanitization.  The systems operate using low D/C voltage electrical current (don’t worry, there is no risk to swimmers) to split water to form oxygen atoms and hydroxyl ions, which attack dead organic matter and oils in the pool. The water molecules are then passed over copper plates to create copper ions, which are effective in controlling algae and fungus. The copper ions are kept at 0.5 to 0.7 (which is less than 25% of the require intake of copper daily) parts per million and pose no risk to humans. The result: drinkable water free of chemicals, bacteria and algae (these systems are also sold for household water purification). The environment, your body and your power bill all benefit from ionization/oxidation systems..."
Green option 2: UV filtered pools (used at the Harvard and Yale Aquatic Centers)


emmarenee's picture

I guess everything should be researched. I feel bad for advising you on this. I assumed it would only be salt water with no chemicals. You were feeling so well. I hope Matia can give you some relief and the flare won't last long. All the best, Tammy

veryhappymom's picture

Don't feel bad; I had already went swimming by the time I checked here : ) Matia had mentioned having a salt water pool so I decided to go for it.  Maybe there are different types of salt water pools with various levels of chemicals (I am suere Matia'spool is one of the best).  The salt is probably fine and the other chemicals may have caused the problem.  My flare didn't last long and the kids really enjoyed swimming with me.   I am going to take a break from swimming for a while LOL.

emmarenee's picture

Glad to hear your flare didn't last long. I know with the hot Texas sun it's hard to stay away from the pools. Here in Austin, we have two spring pools. They cost $$ but are worth it. We can all swim as a family. Do you have any clean rivers near you. We also have a few spring fed rivers near us. These tend to be cool and clear. Tammy

IC-Hope's picture

In case this gives those who have Matia's go-ahead the courage to try - I took a chance and went in a friend's salt water pool for a while and no problems after!  I live in a part of LA where it's 100+ often in the summer, so it was a welcome treat.