Matia, or my IC friends,
I usually feel impervious to threats of the winter cold or flu since I take such care for my body and the nutrients I put in it to support my immune system. I also never get a flu shot for various reasons, not to mention I don't ever want to aggravate my bladder.
But I can't help to feel a bit of fear surrounding what I'm hearing about the H1N1 flu. For one, I'm pregnant--and 'supposidly' more at risk. But also, because I'm not sure how to distinguish between media and public hysteria, and the truth.
I recently heard that the swine flu is actually more dangerous to very healthy people and that it destroy's immune systems. I'm sure this is hype, but worth noting!
So, I am wondering if anyone has insight or ideas on how to protect ourselves, our bodies and our bladders from this (washing hands, etc.).
Also, about the swine flu shot--I'm sure my OBGYN will advise me to get it to protect myself and my growing baby, but I do not exactly trust the safety of a vaccine that is still in development.
Lastly, in taking precautions, is it over-precautionary to avoid my local gym--where everyone sweats and breathes on the equipment than rarely cleans it off?
I have just been really careful to protect my bladder and body from unneccessary medications and treatments, but I'm wondering how to best protect from this flu.
Matia has a protocall for
Matia has a protocall for this. I don't know where you live so I can't say weather or not you should be concerned but I know for myself I am not concerned because we are taking good care of our immune systems. You might search Matia's blog on the swine flu to see what she has written.
I feel very wary of vaccines. I beleive they may have played a role in my developing IC because I started having bladder problems right after I got 2 out of a seris of 3 vaccinations for a job. I feel that there is alot of hysteria surrounding this and that some pharma companies are going to make bank. I know many people who were never vaccinated and they are some of the healthiest people I know. I think that when your immune system is functioning well (and I imagine after treatment with Matia you are doing very well in staying healthy) then its like a very strong force field- an immune system wall. People could be getting sick around you but you will stay well! It's not germ warfare - targeting germs specifically but about making your body strong in the face of viruses and bacteria and pathagens. I would do extensive research before getting the vaccine- not saying don't do it- just look into studies that were not sponsored or biased from the companies who made or places paid to support the vaccine. I keep reading these articles that debunk swine flu hysteria. Say you do get it- worst case scenario- you always have TCM which is quite excellent and restoring health to the body in acute situations like flus and colds. I think its wise to be so concious about you and your child's health but I would read widely and get facts before I panicked and got a vaccine. I think vaccine destroy immune systems but that's just me. Even with IC I stayed well all winter while everyone else around me was dropping like flies and these were folks that had received the flu vaccine. I think perhaps maybe a vaccine could protect you from swine flu ? but it can weaken your body to other pathegens so you end up getting sick from something else. This is what a naturapath told me. Probiotics are wonderful fro protecting the immune system. This is a patient only part of ICAMA. Matia will not see this post- so I suggest you maybe talk it over with her and ask what you can do to protect your familie's health. There are some pretty awesome flu and cold formulas out there in TCM. In my opinion I think it is okay to get acutely sick every once in a while 9 preferably not the dreaded swine flu) - I think our immune systems need to get exercise and that in general we are a culture that is waaaaaay too clean with all the germ hysteria. Antibacterial this and anticeptic that. I thnk this causes allergies somehow and It's like we are literally becoming allerigic to our selves and our environments thus making us easy weakened targets for pathagens. There is a middle ground. Thanks!Mary
What does TCM stand for?
I commute to work everyday by city bus. I'm really concerned about this up coming flu season. I've been extremely healthy (as for colds and such) my whole life and haven't had much of anything since starting with Matia. I use a homeopathic flu remedy for the family every year and so far we've have not gotten the flu. I do not believe in vaccines, especially new ones! Tammy
Swine Flu
I think it would be a good idea to avoid the gym and places where there are a lot of people, especially if the swine flu gets into full swing. Of course, washing hands and not touching your face is always a good way to avoid germs. The swine flu does sound scary, but I think the media is hyping it up and creating fear. Neither my husband nor I ever get flu shots. Probably Matia's herbs work well with flu symptoms. I have also used homeopathy for flu with very good results.
yep, I do totally agree with
yep, I do totally agree with both of you. I haven't gotten the flu shot because all of the reasons you both outlined. And yes, I do believe there is a lot of media hysteria--about swine flu, and quite frankly all other illnesses and conditions American's get. So many people live in constant fear for their health, but I'm happy to know what to do to avoid, or at least have the best chance in fighting off illness.I feel best declining the swine flu vaccination (if it's even approved or distributed) and know that my healthy lifestyle will put me at an advantage whether pregnant or not.thanks for sharing your thoughts...
Melissa, throughout my whole
Melissa, throughout my whole pregnancy I was on Matia's protocol of probiotcs, and as much as I was always prone to colds, I haven't caught a single one! Not a sniffle during a flu season, while my other pregnant friends were struggling with all kinds of bugs. I feel that probiotics protect you from all these things in such way that no other medicines or vaccines can. Besides, I personally would be very scared of getting a vaccine of any kind right now.
I am having a difficult time distinguishing between the real danger and media hype as well. I just wish I knew what the symptoms of this flu were, and how it is different from other flu's and viruses. I reiterate with the other ladies on here: DO NOT TOUCH YOUR FACE! unless your hands are clean! Be especially conscious of rubbing your eyes or your nose or mouth. When you do wash your hands, wash them, rubbing/scrubbing them together for 15-20 seconds. Always point your hands down when rinsing them off. Washing my hands is the first thing I do when I walk in the door of my home, so I'm not touching things and transferring germs. I used to use antibacterial gels and soaps constantly till I realized they kill good bacteria and the alcohol was flaring my symptoms. You can get the same result with plain old soap and water if you wash well. I've also read to keep your hands moisturized. All that hand washing can dry them out, and germs can get in the 'cracks.' Dry skin tears easily as well. If someone is coughing or sneezing right in your vicinity, hold your breath for a few seconds. That is what Matia told me to do. You can put rubber gloves on and disinfect surfaces with wipes, etc. I have a friend who wipes down doorknobs, etc, if she has had company over in the winter, after they leave of course, lol! She makes her kids wash their hands as soon as they walk in the door. This may all sound like it will turn you into a crazy germ freak but so far it has worked for me, and i hope it keeps working, lol! getting my husband to follow these rules is another storyicnot4me
article posting
take a look at Last week Matia posted a couple of things about H1N1 that really put my mind at ease. Carol
safe flu prevention for the whole family
I've been using a homeopathic flu prevention for my family for the last 4 years. So far so good. I ride the city bus to work and back everyday during the flu season. I found one this year that covers Swine, Avian and all strians of human flu. It's put out by a company called Kingbio. It's water based and I've had no symptoms from it's use. It's so safe that you can give it to infants. Check it out at Tammy