I seen Dr.Brizman about 2 years ago.I still have the instructions and recently bought the herbs that I need to begin treatment. I'm going thru a ,and have been dealing with this rocky road for about 2 yrs.One of the main reasons I had to get away, was to focus on myself, to be able to heal, and beat this life taking disease.I'm working on eleven years with IC.--------------Sorry but I did just start crying cuz its sooo horrible. I'm so wore out mentally and physically.To me its the invisible disease or may I say monster.
I'm finally starting to feel like I'm able to focus a little.Finally feeling like theres a chance, that I'm a strong enough person to go thru this treatment like others have.I never thought so til now. Being single and on a schedule with my ex for the kids, has given me so much time alone, that Im able to look at me now, and I have time to be sick, and think of how I can get better.How to make the changes in my life to this.I'm feeling more positive now than I ever have.Maybe cause nobody ever gives you a break with IC,cuz its the invisible disease,so your not sick in others eyes. Well anyways I havent got my finances where they need to be yet to make the biweekly appt with Dr.Brizman.I have though started this past week on the diet and the herb treatment that she had given me before.I'm doin okay with it.I am just wondering if it makes your symptoms feel kinda worse and a little intense.I mean is it to be expected? I am peeing a lot !!!! Thats the one thing that drives me insane.I guess if I knew its just a stage that I'll go thru then it'd be easier to stay strong.I cant talk to Matia yet,hopefully very soon though.I was hoping to get some answers of what to do, or at least to know that this is what a lot of you have experienced too.I dont want to stop,but I feel weak,like I'm going to til I can set appts up.I think I'd be making a huge mistake and steps ,so I'm grasping for some strength I guess??????????????????
Michelle, For most people, the diet releives symptoms. My blood sugar has stablized and I have more energy. The diet is designed to start the healing process. You might experience minor die off symptoms but your bladder should feel better.
Welcome! I'm Mary and I've been in treatment with Matia for about 16 months now. I'm not sure I totally understood from your post but it sounds as if you had possibly been in treatment before but stopped? I do know that our bodies are always changing and with IC especially we move through stages of healing we need different herb combos and differnt times. Its very dynamic and shifting this condition. Perhaps the herbs that you are taking which are what you took before are not the combination you need now. Thats why getting supervision from Matia is pretty crucial. For myself pre- Matia I was getting herbal therapy from someone who had little experience treating IC and I think it made me feel much worse because it was the wrong herbs at the wrong time. But that might not be what you are feeling at all- sometimes when you start the diet and start cleansing it can make you feel bad- bring on die off symtoms and increase frequency too. I think intensifying of symptoms waxing and waning feeling bad and coming through it has been an overall theme throughout my own treatment. My suggestion might is to do the diet until you can see Matia and then let her guide you with the herbal therapy end of things. I was always under the impression that Matia discouragaes people from treating themselves for IC with herbs without supervision. IC is very challenging to treat for an experienced person. I know you want to do all you can to heal and be better right this moment so I understand wnting to to start the herbs right away but what if they need an adjustment? To have dealt with IC for 11 years is so mindblowing to me- and you are a Mom too! IF that isn't strong than I don't know what is! And the things you are experiencing in your body i think are temporary. For me they would intensify and get better and get werid again and get better and get all funky again and I would think it would never improve and I was wrong everytime. Yes your body has the potential to be well again! welcome back! healing thoughts to you Mary
Thank you!!!! Yes I flew out
Thank you!!!! Yes I flew out to LA and seen Matia, and I only was in treatment for about a week .I couldnt do it!!!I'm in a differnt place now and mentally I feel ready. I'm actually kinda amazed that I feel as postitve as I do this time.Guess I have just reached a breaking point and I want to feel normal again.I think I might wait to talk to Matia.
I do feel worse when I start the diet myself. I feel bad for about 12 days normallly, and then things start improving. I have had to start over after 3 weeks many times because i kept going off diet and cheating. ( I have not seen Matia Yet) My badder is on and off, it seems to flare for no reason even of the diet list one, but then I realized I could not handle even some of the list one items. I have been trying to treat myself with out Matia for a year now, and it was not smart of me. I have wasted lots of money on herbal remedys and supplements, without supervision. I can say though that when I eat crappy, (sugar and carbs) my BLADDER symptoms feel better then when I am eating very healthy. I have posted about it before, and others say it is because the vitamins in the healthy food not only detox me but can irritate my bladder, sugar also feeds bacteria and this makes my bladder happy. I am seeing Matia for the first time in 2 weeks. I admire your strength and can't imagine dealing with this monster for 11 years. I am going on 5 years now. I too have three children, it is so hard to do with kids. I am glad you have had time to soul search, and it sounds like you are in a good place to begin. Just keep going with the diet until you can talk to Matia again. You WILL be well one day! You have a strong spirit, and if you can live with this for 11 years, you have what it takes to heal from it! I so understand the "invisible" disease aspect..Its horrid, no one can see it, so they do not believe you and have no mercy. I love this blog site Matia has started, so we can all be validated with one another..With our pains, our fears, our symptoms, and support. Something a lot of us do not get outside of this site. Hang on! You will get there.
by weekly apointments are not required if that is all that is stopping you. I think most people see her every 3 weeks to once month. I mean that is all nice but I don't see the point unless your going to the office to get accupuncture. I mean you will be emailing as well so don't hold off any longer make the apt when she comes back from the break. Also I am just down the road so I am hear for support. Maybe you just do the diet right now?
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