How do you care for your kids during die off?

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So its official..die off has begun.  I have bad nausea, dizzy, low fever, burning bladder, tired, pains in my head, pressure in my ears, unable to move around much, twitching and painful muscles...I feel like I have to check out of life the past few days.

I know Matia said this was going to happen, and I am grateful my body is responding and starting to clean house.  I am concerned on how long this part lasts though..  I typed in die off in the search and some people are still feeling like this 6 months in.  That scares me because my husband has been home the past 4 days and cared for the kids, tomorrow he goes back to work.  I have a 2 and 1 year old, and I am nervous about what kind of Mommy I am going to be this week.  Thank you for all your support, I come on this site every hour it seems for hope.   

Clueless's picture

Sometimes the die off symptoms ease up as you go.  If they continue to be a problem and you can't take care of your kids, maybe Matia could back them off a little.  Sometimes I have found it helpful to reduce the herbs for a dose or two to let my body sort of catch up.  Then when I increase it again, it is more tolerable.  I don't think there is a set amount of time that die off's last.  It all depends on the person.  I know it must be difficult for you to keep up with your two small children while feeling so awful.  I hope things ease up for you soon.

nicole's picture

Normally when I have had flu type dye off in the past it doesn't last too long. Now I know you have a lot of yeast issues just from your posts so you may experience this on and off in the begining. For some people they have to slow it down due to work and kids but I try not to because it's just prolonging the whole thing. I recall the onset of it all  being  more intense then just mild die off after a few months. Now that is not to say you will be out of commission every day for months on end it waxes and wanes. When someone says there still experiencing die off it's not like every day dibilatatin die off .THere are so manny things that come as die off and you can still funtion through such as burning skin is a form of die off. Try to be happy about it even though its misserable the junk is comming out and just tell yourself and your husband your getting better and it's not forever. Maybe someone else can help you in the begining do you have any church volenteers you could ask to help around the house? Maybe getting some food prepaired a head of time will also help like soups. THings you can freeze so you can just heat them up. Maybe someone can help you with that. I do not have children and can not imagine how I would do that with out help. I am sure I would have to involve my family I hope you have some support there. Hang in there and I am sorry you are going through such a hard time. Missed you in the chat.

Melsvensen's picture

Yes, I must have a huge yeast issue with my sugar addiction.  I cant believe (well I CAN believe now) though all the havok sugar does on your body..its insane.  I just talked with my mother in law tonight, she is going to prepare some dinners for my family, so I only need to worry about me.  I am going to prepare a bunch of chicken and freeze it, so I have that.  I sent Matia an email about it, and she said it could last a few days to a few weeks.  But that it is good.  I was going to call for the chat, but I just did not have the energy to talk.   Typing is less draining for me right now, I cant get out of bed except to pee. I am grateful though, I went through holloween with all my 12 years olds candy without having any!  That is a first.  Interesting you mention burning,  I have had that in my lower pelvic and intestines, but its like on the outer part of my skin.  Good to know I'm not the only one.

Dazzo11's picture

i have been with matia for only a i am gng thru what ur gng thru...howwver i am having a really hard time with my bladder...FLARE central...24/7i have my appt with matia on tues...i also like u have a 16 mos old son and i kno how hard it is...and u have it double hard with 2...the best advice i can i just do what i can...and i also get ALOT of husband has off 3-4 days a week on those days he wakes up with him and i sleep in and my mom comes over alot as well as my sons god mother...ur MIL seems to be a great help....u should ask her to come over and help u....u need to reach out to others...but wakin up with him in the mornin is the hardest thing i have to do,,,,i just want to turn off the monitor and crawl back into bed...but i kno i they like noggin?....when he frst wakes up...i give him his breakfast and i let him play..then i put on the TV...i dnt want him to be a TV zombie so i make sure he gets in his play time...but u have to do whats best for u right TV it is...LOL...i kno what ur gng thru....i like to read the positive thread to see the silver lining...good luck....xxoo

Melsvensen's picture

Most of the people in my family work during the day,  but when my husband is here, he does all the care for the kids and I don't know how I would do it without him.  Another  thing I need to get over is asking for help.  I have never been good at that and feel guilty and uncomfortable asking someone outside the family for help.  I always look so self sufficient when they see me, so I am sure they do not think to ask me if I need help, because in public I do not "look sick" and because no one has heard of IC, its like it does not exists with my friends and people at church and the support system I should have.  I guess if I told people, "I need Help"  they would..but  it is an issue I have to get over and just do it.  At first I thought I had the flu, but I have put together I start feeling bad about 30 minutes after taking supplements, so I know its die off.  Last night I did not fall asleep until 3am, and that is new for me.  Normally I do not have a problem with sleep unless I have had caffine or sugar during the day.

Clueless's picture

I found that once I had been off sugar for a couple of months, the craving subsided.  If you give in and eat it again, it comes back.  The holiday season is hard to get through with everyone eating all the "goodies."  I bake cookies for Christmas but don't eat them.  I try to look at sugar as poison, which it is to my body.  It's so easy to tip that balance when you have yeast problems.  After going through all the die off, you won't really want that sugar anymore.  Hang in there. 

veryhappymom's picture

Melissa,  I was greatly helped by the  On Becoming Babywise, Toddlerwise...Series  by Gary Ezzo and Robert Buckman MD. It really helpe me to get the kids on a schedule and surive the discipine challenges of the toddler years.  Do you have a crockpot?  I assemble quick meals in about five minutes (roast, chicken, soup).  I try to make them last for two days.  Don't be afraid to ask for help.  Mother's Day Out is great too.  I couldn't afford it when my kids were little but my friends loved the program.  This too shall pass.Sharon

Melsvensen's picture

I am a TON better today except for not sleeping!  I have been on supplements now for 4 days, so maybe if was my bodys cleanout when I began them and now its getting used to the stuff.  I know its not the end of it, but it is nice to have a break.