Please help me find an IC freindly turkey

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  I am looking for an IC friendly turkey.  I read one of Matia's older blogs which reccommended buying a fresh Butterball turkey.  The only one I found had an 8% solution injected into it  Do you know which Butterball turkey is approved for IC?  I am also open to other turkey options.  The cheaper the better.  Thanks.

Melsvensen's picture

Trader Joes and Whole foods have them.  They are cheaper at trader Joes.

nicole's picture

Back when i ate them as long as they were free  range and or organic I did fine on them.  I haven't tried turkey in a while last time i  didn't do so hot on it not sure why but I seem to have issues with Fowl atm.

Clueless's picture

Our Giant (grocery store) sells a turkey called Empire.  The list of ingredients was just some water and salt, I think.  I read it and decided to buy that particular brand.  You could also find a place that sells organic turkeys.  

shar's picture

Just recently decided to try turkey after a long time and didn't tolerate it.  Today I tried it again and feel like it was ok!  It was ground turkey from Whole Foods. They only have one brand at my Whole Foods, I think its Mary's.  Maybe try ground instead of whole turkey pieces and see how you do.  Good Luck!!  =)