Exercise ?

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Its really cold where I am right now, I am not able to go outside and walk.  The cold makes me have to pee even more!   I am looking to buy a new DVD to workout at home.  I was wondering about any suggestions on a low impact DVD that would get me tone and not bother my bladder. (not a lot of jumping).  I am going every 15 minutes now, so I cant really leave the house to work out.  Any good suggestions?

Dazzo11's picture

yoga really is great....i would go to the library and rent them 4 free...

shar's picture

I think its great that you are exercising and trying to find more options.  I also enjoy walking when I'm able to.  Another idea might be something less structured like just turning music on and dancing.  I haven't done this forever but its fun and you can release a lot of stress!

Melsvensen's picture

I love to dance!  I dance around the house often with my kids. So much fun!I never thought to go to the library! What a great idea.  that way if I do not like the DVD I can just return without wasting money! 

jlopatka's picture

If you have cable tv and have access to this channel, I love exercise tv.  You can access their workouts on www.exercisetv.tv
There are lots of free workouts that are full length...I enjoy the pilates which is great for loosening up the pelvic floor and hips which tend to be "tight" in us ICers.  On the tab at the top, click on WORKOUT VIDEOS and then select free workouts.  There are quite a bit!  Great to take with you on vacation if you take your computer with you and have internet access at the hotel.
I love Jillian Michaels from the Biggest Loser... She has some AMAZING videos.  Just remember that when you are working out, just like  a normal person, you release lactic acid from your muscles which needs to be cleared out of the body... So drink lots of water so you can easily clear toxins.

Melsvensen's picture

I never thought of how it releases lactic Acid.  Thanks for the tip!

IC-Hope's picture

Speaking of exercise, are some of you unable to do situps or other exercises that involve the abs b/c it causes bladder pain?
In retrospect, I think a recent strenuous yoga workout and then situps the next day were the cause of my "unexplained" pain.
In the past it seemed anything related to ab muscles hurt my bladder.  But I thought I was ready for it now.  I guess not?

Melsvensen's picture

I just bought an ab workout, my abs are what needs the most help!  I really hope I can take it, we will see.

Dazzo11's picture

i also have heard that workin our stomach muscles is not good for our pelvic floor...from a previous DR...however in the vinyasa flow yoga i do..it is very relaxing and i do not exercise my stomach much...and if there is a pose or somethin that is too strenous u can always go into child's pose...which is like a rest pose...it all depends on which kind of exercise u do...i never have a prob w/ yoga...it helps w/stress,relaxation and its low impact...there is cardio or hot yoga wihch is a totally different kind of exercise..lol...its sometimes difficult for us who are still suffering cause its hard to make it an hour exercising w.out having to pee....UGH!!