some stuff I been reading in my Chinese med books today

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The large intestine is the bowel associated with the lung. If it is in harmony with the lung, the hair of the body and head will be lustrous. If the hair becomes dry and falls off, the lung is exhausted.

Melsvensen's picture

Whenever I used to eat popcorn, my lungs would become inflamed, and I would get really scared.  Matia told me it was a problem in my intestines, that was making my lungs inflamed.  And, yeah my hair is breaking and falling I guess my large intestine needs work.  Not to mention TERRIBLE constipation. What book are you reading from?

nicole's picture

currently I am reading 3 different ones. One is Between heaven and earth. Now I have an extensive Chinese Medicine book collection I think out of all of them this one is really well written. I like this one for beginers better then the web that has no weaver But I am still finishing that one. I mean when you read these books make sure you have a note book because I find it's the kind of book you end up either writing in or making notes on no matter which one you choose.I am using them to help me with the Foundations of Chinese Med a text book kind of intense.

Honeybee's picture

Hey! i couldn't resist chiming in! I have the book you speak of Nicole- It's a really good one! I had no idea until I worked for an acupuncture clinic about 6 years ago that there were so many different styles an forms of chinese medicine. The five element theory and then there's even Japanese, French and Korean styles of acupuncture - all a little different. I worked as a massage therapist and assistant and many of my fellow co workers were students at the adjoining school of chinese medicine across the street. One of them told me that school was tremendously difficult but endlessly facinating. He said when a master of chinese medicine - one such teacher trained since he was 4 years old- Jeffrey Yuen- look him up! came to guest teach at the school that they would realize exactly HOW MUCH they did not know. I think he said something like- at the end of the first year you get this "glimpse" into what chinese medicine is- the second year - you start applying those  concepts you glimsped and then you realize how much you don't know! It's a struggle. Then by the middle of the fourth year you start to grasp more of the patterns of disharmony coming together! It is a such a endless challenging  learning field- like you study it your whole life! I think in many ways it just as challenging as medical school- perhaps even more so. We should post a list of books that have helped us or empowered us to know more about our health and our condition and how to stay healthy!  Mary

nicole's picture

TOO true it is never ending learning for me but I never am bored with it either. I could learn about it till I die really so amazing. It all makes perfect sence to me too I mean once things start to fall in to place nothing else seems right. Also even though there are so many differnt forms there are common foundations.  I love to share about books I just have so many I am not sure where to start on that. But I will share more as I read.