More Spiritual Stuff Regarding letting go!

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So... I am sure that many of you have experienced "emotional die off" as well as physical die off with this whole process.  I would like to suggest two wonderful articles that I found in the May 2010 Yoga Journal Magazine: "Love In Full Bloom" on page 55 and "Journey to The Light" on page 72.  Both are excellent reads and I will probably frame this magazine and keep by my bed.  I have read and re-read these articles at least 5 times since picking the magazine up at Whole Foods a week ago.  You will NOT be disappointed!

jlopatka's picture

 You can download this months edition for free!  Go to

ttferrier's picture

J - Thank you once again for providing information(articles) that have helped me immeasurably (see your previous Die-Off post too).  My emotional die-off has been intense beyond belief (breakdowns on a daily basis).  However, today I came to the realization that in order to be well and to grow spiritually, I had to have this deep low.  Otherwise, it was just stagnate day to day drill where I am going through the motions of life.I am beginning to understand this as a blessing in disquise (matia's words) in more ways than one.Tammera   

flygirlsam's picture

Thanks! How do I download the free issue though?  Do I have to sign up?

jlopatka's picture

There is a spot where you can "download this month's magazine"  Chekc it out