Nail Polish/Remover

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Question..... If you had a flare after using polish and/or remover what was the time frame of the flare?  (5 minutes, 1 hour, 12 hours, 1 day after use?)

I have read other posts regarding nail polish/remover and was not sure how long after the use they flared.




veryhappymom's picture

Some people use Zoya products with no problem.  I flare for a day afterusing remover but am not a typical case.  Search nail polish on this site to get more ideas.

selichan's picture

I had a reaction to nail polish/remover 2 months ago. I had put on one color then next day removed it and put another color. Two days in a row was stupid. Plus it was the end of my period, where my hormones were fluctuating. So my flare lasted about a week. I switched to Zoya brand recently, and am better with it. However, still afraid to use the remover.

veryhappymom's picture

Zoya is giving away free 8oz bottles of remover with any purchase.  Code  ZOYA50K. 
I am a Facebook fan.  Hope this helps.