Dr. Brizman's Protocol

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Coping with work and a negative/stressful work environment


Ive been meaning to post this for quite some time, however, I havent had a break from work since I got back from the holidays.  Its also difficult since I'm feeling lost, frustrated, angry and not sure where to turn.  How do those who are working deal with IC and with the work related stress?  To top it off, I have the misfortune of dealing with an extremely negative work environment.  Meaning, there are people there who ruthlessly put others down, consistently.  I dont have a choice but to work.  I dont know how to NOT less this affect me mentally and physically.  I have never, ever been s

So the whole thing about bone broth


Is so interesting to me and just proves yet again that I can't do this alone and i am indeed in such good hands! My IC was tipped into being by a well meaning alternative minded MD who suggested I had a yeast issue that I passed down to my (nursing) baby and I should eat more antifungal foods and eat more bone broth to heal the gut. So last fall right before this all came downI was eating soup everyday, apple cider vinegar freely, huge amounts of coconut oil, kombucha, water and coconut kefir saurerkrout etc. These are all super healthful foods but again- not for everyone at every time.


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