Dr. Brizman's Protocol

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How did your IC progress?


I believe I have IC, and I found this website and started the diet. It has helped me a lot. I have gone from having severe vaginal pain and pelvic floor dysfunction to having very little of the same pain. But it seems like now, I am experiencing a little more pain and discomfort in my bladder.

I am wondering how this disease progressed for you. I don't really know what to expect. Will it get worse even though it seems to be getting better in some ways thanks to the diet.

Bifido Tolerance...


Hi Ladies,

 For those of you that are on Bifido and had a difficult time with it, how long after you began taking it did you begin to notice sensitivity/difficulty with it?

I began taking it (4 capsules 4x per day) on Wed and have had no problems with it. It just seems to good to be true that I would tolerate it with no problems so I am wondering at what point can I breathe a sigh of relief that I may be ok with Bifido:)

Trying to manage my expectations....lol.


Jawline numbness


Hi All

I am about to travel out to see Dr Brizman from the UK after months of saving up!

Anyhow, I have IC but in addition I have developed numbness around my left cheek and jawline as well as lymph nodes swelling under the arms and tingling/itching in the feet all at the same time. Just wondering whether this could be linked to the gut flora being out of balance or perhaps I should explore the traditional medical route first to rule out any nasties. Any thoughts welcome please.

Just not sure what to do for the best.

Best wishes


Fell off the wagon...


The past few months have been really difficult for me and I feel very alone in this whole journey. In May my arms started hurting very badly. I thought it was from a new phone and how much I was playing with it, but it still has not gone away. I went to a few doctors becaues of the arm pain and they only wanted to say it was MS. I never got the MRI done though because of Matia saying not to because of the dye I would have to drink, but I still am having the arm pain. It's very mysterious and comes and goes.

First week in...


So I have completed my first week of Dr. B's protocol. The herbs were really hard to get down in the beginning(because of the taste) but I have got used to them. I have been feeling pretty good as well. I just had a couple of little short flares but they went away really quick and were not that hard to handle. So... so far with the treatment everything has gone really well with how I feel physically.

vent/hope thread


I thought this might help me- if you're interested join in!


Anytime you need to vent, however big or small- do it here but also remember to include something hopeful.


After all, no matter what,underneath it all- all of us must have a lot of hope and  optimism otherwise why would we be doing this?



V:  I am just missing an evening glass of wine right now. I am also really wishing I could get my hair professionally colored but I am too afraid. I am feeling a little unattractive.



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