Dr. Brizman's Protocol

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Considering treatment - a scared newcomer


Hello all,


first of all, I want to say that I am so grateful for finding such a great and strong community of people, who actually seem to be on their right path to health... I am scared to death, depressed and it helped a bit. I have few questions I can not ask dr. Brizman personally at the moment and hope to find some answers here. I would also like to share my story in a nutshell, just to clarify why am I having such a stupid questions and don´t just go and ask Matia stright away:



Does anyone have more of a problem with bladder symptoms when they are sitting? When I am sitting in my chair at work, my symptoms seem to increase. When I stand, they are usually OK.

I wondered if this could have something to do with an entrapped nerve, or PNE. But I also wondered if it could just be that my bladder is compressed more when I'm sitting at work? Thoughts?



I'm too sick to work but having to work anyway. I need help but can't make my family understand. I don't want to give up but it is so hard trying to get through the day. I wish I understood what is happening to my body. I wish someone could help me.

Have you experienced....


Hi Ladies,

  Knock on wood, but I am entering day six of a fairly painless bladder span;) Woohoo! However, I have begun to experience some pins/needles feelings in my arms and hands.... also a sense of heaviness in my arms. Anyone else experienced this?

Each time I experience something new in my body I feel completely blind sided by it. You would think by now I would get the merry go round called IC;)

Thanks Ladies,



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