Dr. Brizman's Protocol

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Rapid Heart Rate


Hello Ladies,

   Have any of you experienced a rapid heart rate, pounding or skipped beat as part of this treatment/detox process?

I began having heart beat oddities the last day in June with no prior heart problems. I am trying to figure out if this is somehow related to IC/treatment or if this is something completely new.

I have had a full work-up with my Cardiologist and my CT, echo, stress tests and EKGs are coming back clean. I just have this "almost" tacchycardia and PVCs.

Any other patients with heart issues?

biodentical hormones


Hi lovely sisters,


Does anybody have used biodentical hormones to address estrogen and progesterone deficiencies? Does it works or affects to the bladder? What Matia thinks about it?.... sorry to many questions!


I've noticed every time my estrogens level drops I have an awful burning feeling and pain down there plus more frequency. I know we work with herbs but I was wondering if she agrees with that kind of treatment.





Traveling for 3 days


My husband and i will be traveling to Seattle at the end of the month for 3 days. I am nervous about the probiotics. Do any of you have tips for this? Do i need dry ice? Will that be allowed in checked in luggage? How long will that last? and do i need a special container for the dry ice or does it come in its own packaging? I saw a whole foods in the downtown area in one of the hotel pictures, so i guess worst scenario i can buy a bottle there and maybe ask the hotel if they can refrigerate it for me? 

period help


I always seem to slide backwards bladder pain wise during my monthly cycle and I wonder what you all have found to help.  My pain seems worse, and I don't know if it is hormonal, increased acidity because of the blood flow, or what.  I have tried regualr tampons, pads, cotton tampons and nothing really seems to help.  I got the natren product which has a pink capsule to put in your vagina, and I have tried using yogert too.  The coolness of the yogert seems to help a little.  

Do you enjoy acupuncture?


I never had acupuncture done before and used to think the idea of like a cactus was weird. I did enjoyed massages and even chiropractic visits where i would easily fall asleep. But i had it twice at Matia's office, and even though it's nice to be able to do that, I am not sure what to feel or expect. Matia said it's not crucial to healing or to speed it up. Does any of you feel additional benefits from it?Thanks.

What's normal when starting treatment?


Hi everyone, I just started treatment last week and am wondering what to expect. I increased the Probiotics from 1 to 3 a day and noticed after a couple days that I was very bloated and my bladder symptoms got worse. I had to order the herbs so just started them Thursday. Today I feel very tired, have a lot of congestion in my head, throat & chest, feel I little bit nauseous & am having more bladder pain, urgency & frequency. I have NO energy. Did anyone experience anything like this?

Please if you know of new MRI that doesn't require contrast dye?


Does anyone know of the new MRI machines that do not require contrast dye injection, and if one is in Los Angeles?  Matia said one of her patients told her about them/had a connection, but she can't remember who.  I'm supposed to get MRI of brain without and then with contrast dye (they say it's the only reliable way to see if brain lesions for MS, to compare the two; regular MRI has high false negative rate).  But in my research online re: the dye, gadolinium, it caused a serious disorder in supposedly only people w/ kidney/liver issues, but beyond that I found many disturbing anecdotal po


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