Dr. Brizman's Protocol

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Bloating-Pain-Constipation-Sticky Feeling


Hi beautiful souls,

I am a second time patient of amazzzzing Matia and have been strugggggggggling pretty severely in my belly (intestines) for almost three long gruelling years.....

I was one of Matia's first patients when she just finished school.  She got me well after 2 years with love and patience and was fantasticcccccc for 10 years!

I took care of myself....BUT....I did put coffee mate crap in my coffee every morning and had m&m's on my desk at work....and was obsesssssssssed with sushi....ate raw fish at least 3 times a week if not more....

Meeting Matia in the beginning of May


Hi ladies,

I made an appointment to see Matia in the beginning of May. I already purchased plane tickets : ) I'm very excited but also a little bit freaked out. I really really hope it's worth it : )

Anyways, I just wanted to say hi and thank you again for welcoming me to this forum and for spending your time to write very detailed responses to my questions! : )

By the way, I purchased Matia's dissertation and it was good : )




a few questions



i have a few questions i'm hoping to get some insight on:

1. has anyone ever had sinus burning after eating nuts (or i suppose any food) - but no increase in pain or gastro upset? i know sinus burning is a die off symptom for bacteria and i have had it many times with supplements, but why would eating nuts (or any specific food item) cause this?

2. Major increase in bloating AFTER peeing or BMs? 



Hi all,

So I have had lots of die off lately and started feeling a little under the weather yesterday. Then today, just a few hours ago, my ear started to hurt like an earache and now it feels like a full blown ear infection (left ear only). It feels totally plugged and I can hardly hear out of it. The crazy thing is this literally happened within an hour or two. It hurts so bad I feel like I'm going to throw up. I wrote Matia but don't know how long it'll take her to get back to me. Anyone else have suggestions??? It's quite unbearable.


Matia's vaction


Just wonted to pass the word on that Matia is going on vacation from the 10-17 of this month Just wanted to let you all know because it came as a supprise to me where I was told it was suposed to be on the website and it wasn't obviously so here it is ladies and gents. :) I am sure she is reachable by email as usual when she goes on vacation for all you newbies she doesn't really go anywhere most of the time and is available by email.


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