Dr. Brizman's Protocol

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Need a Dentist in New York/Metro Area


Hi Ladies-  I just chipped my already chipped tooth even further.  I'd like to get it bonded as it is my front tooth.  My teeth have gotten extremely brittle.  I know that there's something about amalgam's not being good?  Is there an alternative dentist that any of you know of in NY?  Or is the stuff they bond not actually that bad?  Thanks for your health.  I'm pretty bummed right now.

Support Group Call---please mute



We all YEARN to hear Matia's words and it helps us to understand sooo much.

Can you please put your phone on mute so everyone else on the call can hear Matia and not various extraneous sounds.

I am not trying to be mean or offend anyone, but it seems like this keeps happening again and again.  I know we all have families and try and struggle with finding two hours to listen in.  It would be really respectful of each other and each other's time if we could just mute the phone and unmute when you ask a question.

Thanks so much.....

Depressed rant


I have been in a relationship with my partner Tony for 5 years...3 and a half of which have been spent with IC. I got my IC when my Mum died suddenly of undetected bone cancer at 46. I feel like my life has gone down the pan. This morning once again I woke up to have yet another argument with Tony about this wretched illness. He thinks I let it rule my life to much. I feel like a useless piece of crap because I have no interest in any physical relationship and haven't done now for 3 years.

Bill Clinton


UGH.  I find things like this SO HARD to stomach.  Like, what kind of moron has quadruple by pass and doesnt change his habits??  Furthermore--the doctors' response just make me livid "oh this is common of people that have had by-pass"  we just put in stents and its cool!  No discussion of serious dietary restriction--no larger analysis.  Thank you western medical establishment and media for another dissapointing response.

Just wanted to bring this up with people who actually understand.

Bladder training


Has anyone ever done this, and does anyone know the best way to go about it?  I have a normal bladder capacity, but feel the "urge" every time I have just a few oz. of liquid in me.  I have tried 10 different waters, including the real expenisve fancy king with no help.  I go every 10 min. when I drink any water.  I drink about 35-40 oz a day right now and Matia wants me to get up to 64 but its HARD when I am already going going and going some more.

So, any advice if there is anyone out there who has done this would be very helpful.  

Bubbles in urine


Is it really true that the bubbles in your urine is yeast coming out?

Or is this just an "urban IC myth"  :)  ???

I have been flaring really bad the last two days and I thought it was the vit D I started but my urine is FILLED with bubbles.  Perhaps it is all die-off that is making me flare so bad?

Any insight would be appreciated.

Bubble Mania

Coral water


Hi does anyone know of anything like coral water in the UK? All the good stuff is in the USA...we don't even have a whole foods store which is depressing. I have found water to be very funny...it actually aggrivates me and so far only evian has caused the least problems. Fizzy water really aggrivates me as well...though I only have a small amount now to mix the tablet contents in as it actually makes swallowing it bearable.

Feeling lonely in the UK


Hiya all you UK girls, I don't know about you but I am feeling a bit lonely and fedup with being a bit out on a limb here. We are probably all in different areas so can't have meetings but I am definitely going through a phase of wanting to talk to others face to face and share ideas/experiences as I am really sick of my diet now and feeling cack on a regular basis. Sorry I am just ranting! Arrrgggghhhhhhhh! I am having real trouble eating even though i'm nearly 4 months in...I work long hours, absolutely loathe cooking anyway and find myself just steaming up veggies and chicken.


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