Dr. Brizman's Protocol

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30/30 #7 Feeling Good


The post that i was writing just got eaten by the computer gods but here I go again. Anxiety management for me, in life and with respect to my health is critical. I make myself so much worse when I am stressed. Two nights ago I convinced my self that my 6 months of knee pain were the result of taking VIt D and I was horrified. I woke up on and off all night and though I do not advocate this, I think I sent Dr. B 4-5 posts at two hour intervals. I WAS PRETTY ANXIOUS. I could not sleep, I was twitching, my stmach was in knots and I could not shut it down.

Thirty posts in 30 days #6 B. Rainbow Acres


It is all too weird these days. A year ago I started the diet and for a year, several times a week I ate either brown rice veggies and chicken breast from health food store "Rainbow Acres" that is one block from my office OR I would have salad from their very plain salad bar which I would augment with things like yogurt or goat cheese. Day in, day out. Often I would look covetously at their other hot foods but it was no way; pepper, EVO, mysterious spices and food that were not on List 2 and so on.

Thirty posts in 30 days #6 B. Rainbow Acres


It is all too weird these days. A year ago I started the diet and for a year, several times a week I ate either brown rice veggies and chicken breast from health food store "Rainbow Acres" that is one block from my office OR I would have salad from their very plain salad bar which I would augment with things like yogurt or goat cheese. Day in, day out. Often I would look covetously at their other hot foods but it was no way; pepper, EVO, mysterious spices and food that were not on List 2 and so on.

30 pitches in 30 days-6 "The IC Boards"


Last night I did some looking at the IC boards- a first for me. I found out a couple of things. 1) There are mainstream articles written about the co-incidence of IC and joint pain.2) We are really lucky to be here because the people "out there" who have IC are really in the stew. How can it be so bad- the litany of presecriptions and attempts to wrestle this thing into some kind of manageable submission?

Breakfast burrito for List 3


Brown some onions first in oil, than add green bell peppers. Stir/cook until desired. Break eggs over and make an omellette. (you can add more ingredients but i like it simple) a little salt and blk pepper. Roll into spelt tortillas and it's delicious. Enjoy

I followed Rita's spelt tortilla recipe with minor adjustment of adding 1/2tsp baking powder, few more tbs of warm water, and some olive oil. Here is here recipe:


coffee and symptoms


Do any of you have any weird symptopms when you added coffee  back in? I just recently started coffee, although been approved for quite some time now. My bladder seems to be ok with it, but my head feels heavy and foggy. I feel like someone took my head and shook it a few times and i have birds flying over...i thought after few years of not drinking, adding it back would make me just the opposite, as a stimulant.Instead I feel foggy, anxious and lack of focus. So weird!!!

For Deir


Hey Deir, I have not posted in a long while and I was going to email you but you didn't have an email so I thought I would just post. We started treatment around the same time and I know you had a really hard time with adding foods back into. How are you doing? What list are you on? And how long did it take you to start noticing changes? How long did you stay on Mega before you went to bifado?And when you transitioned stages were there any foods to try first before others?

Raw Goat's milk


Hi all!

Dr. B said that 1 tbsp a day of raw cow's milk would be good for me at this stage. However the farm where i usually get it didn't have raw milk this week, but i was able to get raw goats milk. Does anyone know if raw goat's milk has the same benefits? Do any of you use raw milk as part of treatment at the moment? Would love to hear how you are getting on with it and what benefits you feel it has!

Thanks xx C


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