Dr. Brizman's Protocol

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Am I ever going to stop crying?


I think I am handling this very well all things considered but I have a  period every day where I just get so sad and almost panic at the thought of doing this for so long. I am "lucky" in that I have only had IC symptoms since January and that the symptoms aren't that severe (from what I can glean from other people's posts) but still....GOD THIS SUCKS!


Is there an average time for each die off "event"?


I'm kind of laughing as I typr this because I am sure therre is no clear answer but I was wondering what other people have experienced. I am on day 3 of pretty bad vertigo/cogestion sruff going on. I am so lucky because my husband just finished school and isn't teaching summerschool this year because of all this so I have help with the kids/house. Still- any idea how long I could feel dizzy? My husband and the boys are supposed to be going camping this weekend and I'll be home with the baby. Not sure if i can do that alone right now.


When do you email Dr B with issues?


I had some pretty obvious reactions to herbs so we've been back and forth adjusting but now I'm dealing with some nasty vertigo/dizziness. She had said at my appointment that she didn't htink I'd have much die off. I am assuming that's what this is anyway- I know she doesn't have a crystal ball. I emailed her since it is pretty bad- not sure if I can drive today and I have to go sing at a funeral Mass! I hope I don't fall over on the altar.


Anyway- when do you know to just grin and bear it and assume it is die off and when to let her know?

sigh.......this stinks.


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