Dr. Brizman's Protocol

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iHerb- Overnight shipping??


I could scream. SOmehow I didn't realize that I am low on Goldenseal. I have been going back and forth this week- agonizing really- over whther I am going to Cape Cod this weekend to my sister inlaw's wedding. I finally decided last night- "Yes I am going unless I get much worse" and i realize I am almost out of goldenseal. ARGH!!!!


I just ordered from i-herb. Please tell me that expedited overnight shipping really does get here overnight!

Otherwise not sure what to do.

Flare from spelt pasta? (??!!)


Just wondering whether anyone else has flared with this? Found some in my local healthfood shop and was v excited - am on list 1/2 so thought this would be ok for - but have had a couple of days of flare of my symptoms - urethral burning, some vaginal burning; basically, all the tissues down there feeling very inflamed. It seems SUCH a benign thing to be bothering me, but can't think of anything else I've changed ...



Hello all

I was fortunate enough to meet a lady reflexologist quite by fluke...who specialises in chronic illness. I went for a session after 3 weeks of real bladder grot, and despite the fact I HATE my feet being touched, it was wonderful. I had a heck of a lot of pain in certain points of the feet, which linked to the intestine and the iliasicual valve where I suspected bacteria leaks.



Hey is anyone else seeing Matia from Utah.  It would be great to have a friend to meet up with or just talk to over the phone every once in a while.  I have run into many people here that have IC and I have told them about Matia but they are not willing to even give her a chance.





Yowzzzzaaaa.  Has anyone ever seen this before??  I just went on there out of curiosity (just to read).  Its so crazy!  We're so lucky.  I feel like I remember someone posting something about an anti-matia sentiment on those boards?

Painful flair or uti


i am fighting either an ic flair or a UTI, i am working with Matia by email to fiqure it out. SO frustrating!!! I have been virtually pain free for over a year!  Now i have been camped out in the bathroom for 3 days.  Think i just need to vent a bit!!!

i am using ice packs for the pain...not helping much.  Do any of you have ideas of what to do for the constant pain? I have not asked her about it. i am so tempted to take something!


Poppy Seed in Pacific Bakery Spelt Bread!!


Did you girls realize that Pacific Bakery spelt bread has poppy seeds in them? I checked the ingredients, and it's not listed there so obviously got mixed in the dough by mistake. I might have seen a few before and didn't pay attention, but this case i got from whole foods has them on the outside of the bread, quite a lot and visible.I guess i'll cut them out for now since i have 3 more lofs like this but just wanted to warn you all.


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