Dr. Brizman's Protocol

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Questions for Matia


I am sorry,having a topic like this but I believe this is a nice topic to ask Matia questions not about the sickness but more about the issues that everyone has to encounter in their lifes while being sick. I believe that sometimes if Maitia has time, she could answer them.

My real topic is this one:  How to fight the food they are administer at school and feed it to your child.

looking for hope... got any to spare?


This is a rough week. I have been on the diet for about 5-6weeks and in treatment with Matia for just shy of a month... Last week, I felt like things were actually going fairly well... the nerve issues in my legs/butt/sacral area were not awful - i was able to sit all day through work - even work late a few days, then lay down and watch tv without feeling too crappy. it was a nice change of pace.

Diet list 3


I am on list three and have been very cautious to try things for fear of a flare up in my symptoms.  Just wondering how others proceeded when going to list three.  I am afraid to try tomatoes, onions, peppers other cheeses, grapefruit etc...  When cooking I will literally be going back and forth with my decisions as to whether I should add something or not.  Have any of the list three foods been particularily bothersome for people.  I do realize that we are all different but still interested in others experiences.  I have added plain yogurt and been fine also added blueberries and carrots. 

A man is amongst you!


Hi All

I'm Luke & have been on Dr Brizman's programme for 10 months now.

I had IC symptoms for 3 months back in 2005, 3 weeks in 2006 & all the time since Sep 07.

I finally flew from London to LA in Jan 08

I have seen some really good improvement since April, but I still do have some bad periods. It feels like it will never fully go!

I stick to the diet & tolerate most foods. Oddly, I have never noticed my symptoms getting worse after food, except when it has spices in it.

tmj, sinus and jaw pain


I am currently suffering from sinus pain, a watery eye and now, sore jaw. It is hard to stay clear headed and not think this is maybe an infection.
At the beginning of treatment I did go through the die off in the jaw and sinuses and then that disappeared .
It's now returned 2 months later and is worrisome. It would help to know if any of you have these symptoms. 
Also, does anyone have symptoms come on later in the day after having no problem earlier?
I do plan to talk with Matia, but waiting for appointment time...Lois 

Diet and no yeast?


Question about the diet... my husband has been asking me to explain the reasoning behind the diet if someone doesn't have yeast. He gets it in terms of starving yeast if that is the crux of the issues someone is having, but doesn't understand what the point is if that is not the issue. I get frustrated trying to explain and convince him of the value of the diet part of the treatment because truth be told, i don't really understand it.

new policies


I just called to make an appointment and found there is a new policie that you must pay in advance before making a payment. Now this is fine and I understand why it's emplemted i just think there should be an anoucement here on the board when changes are made so that the long distance people have a place to know what is going on. I am sure making an anoncement section would be an easy way to get word out.


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