Dr. Brizman's Protocol

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Hi everyone!


Hi everyone!

First of all sorry if my english is not very good. I am Spanish and I have been in this forum for nearly two years, but I never had the courage to write a post, though I think this is a very helpfull forum with a lot of good information and all your mesages are hopefull. I am not able to travel to EEUU at this moment , but if I do not improve as I did last year I wil have to considere this option.

I have a long story and I would not want to anoy you with all the details, so I will try so resume it as much as I can

Updates - would you be happy to send yours?


Hi, I started treatment with Boaz in Dec (I saw Matia in LA 7 years ago but didn't continue treatment then because I was pregnant).  I've had IC for 12 years now (since age 24).  Unfortunately I seem to be a lot worse with the herbs, so I was wondering if some of you might be willing to write an update on how you are doing so we can all see how long improvements take and hear some encouraging stories (and perhaps some struggling stories too)!  Thank you so much. xx



Hi everyone! I have been a patient of Boaz for a little whilel now. I am also 8 weeks pregnant, while excited over the news I am quite overwhelmed obviously dealing with pregnancy and IC. Prior to pregnancy my only symptom was severe urinary urgency and frequency. Since being pregnant I still have only the urgency issues however it has become quite a bit worse especially at night I am easily getting up every 20 min to pee:( Boaz has instructed me to continue with food list one, however I throw up most things on those list especially meat.

Yeast Questions


Hi Everybody,

I have been dealing with some major bladder nonsense for about 2 months now.  Uti and then endless bladder/urethral pain.  The pain changes, but does not leave.  I went to my western doctor (who I really like) and we did a candida blood test a few weeks ago. They just sent me the results in the mail and my readings from an ongoing chronic candida infection were quite elevated. I'm sort of chagrined about this as I've been in treatment with Matia for 2.5 years and have not eaten any sugars since 2009!  How can my yeast still be so bad?


Herbs for UTIs


Hi all!

I am wanting to order the herbs that the Brizmans suggest for UTIs. I don't currently have a UTI but I would like to prepared in the event that I do get one.

I have seen that Matia suggests the following herbs: ear formula, gan mao ling #2, goldenseal, dianthus fomula & chuan xin lian, however the only one I can seem to find on the BomaMed site is ear formula.



I'm so impressed with the recipes that so many on the forum have come up with...so I'm asking this here: Does anyome have a shake/smoothie recipe that tastes decent, is filling and is IC/Dr. B appropriate?? I am on list 3-4 now but like to keep the sugars and dairy as low as possible of course. I'm open to green veggies in the recipe but can't handle too strong of a "green drink" taste. Thanks! 

Recipe I live by on list 2-3 and a few other interesting things


Mashed Broccoli - ok, hang in there with me folks. I developed this because i have such a hard  time eating large quantities of vegs.  This will sound and look terrible but: a) it taste good with almost anything inlcuding steak and eggs b)it reheats really well either in the microwave or as i do, in a skillit in the morning.  Even my sister eats it now and she's not on this diet. Makes 8 10oz servings

4 10 oz bags chopped onion

4 10 oz bags chopped broccolli

2 10 oz bags spinach

2tsp salt (or adjust to taste)


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