Dr. Brizman's Protocol

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Normal after a protocol change?


I just had a protocol change and I have very little bladder and pelvic pain.  I don't recall feeling so good in that area for many years.  I am confused because the right side of my throat has become very sore and I find myself getting dizzy occasionally. Overall I feel like I'm getting sick, but my bladder feels good. Before the protocol change my bladder was at a constant level 5, (which I know is great for some of you) and my body felt good.  Is the current sick feeling normal?  Has anyone had a similar experience?  




Did anyone use diflucan prior to seizing dr. Brizman? I am going to LA in September. In the meantime, my MD has me on 30 days of diflucan, b12, and glutathione with NAC. 


Just wondering about feedback around this.mhopping it will only help things verses hinder. I can't wait to be fully immersed in the program soon!. In the meantime, Lots of zucchini and potatoes. Many thanks to all, I feel honored to be united with this team soon!

With gratitude,


Bomamed open?


Hi all I am discouraged as I sent my new patient form in a week ago and still no word from Bomamed. Also have called several times and no answer. Anyone know if Bomamed is open? I know I have to wait at least a month to see Boaz. My MD is starting me on diflucan for a month due to yeast, changing thyroid, etc. I told my md that once I start w brizmans nothing can interfere with the protocol. 


proud to say I had my first red meat today. Experiencing a flare but also had black pepper as a mistake. Been staying pretty close to the diet. 

Can't wait to get stable!

Thyroid medication? Anyone stop taking it?


Hello everyone,

I am new here. I am an IC patient of Boaz Brizman for only two weeks. I have had IC symptoms for 6 months. 

I did not like the answers I was getting from Western docs, that the only hope was medication, more medication, and invasive treatments. So here I am. Trusting that I can heal like so many others have through this method.

My question is, has anyone here had to stop Nature Throid or Synthroid as part of their treatment?

If so, how did it go? I am very very scared about it and worried.

Love and light to all,


is this die-off??


Ive been on the protocol for five weeks now and the last three days have been feeling extremely tired and achy with stinging sore eyes. I thought I was just getting sick ( I am a kindergarten teacher and there has been a lot of flus around lately) but the other symptoms of a flu (stuffy nose, sore throat) havent arrived. I was wondering if this could be die- off? funnily enough, my bladder has been great these last three days! has anyone else felt like this and can it be die-off this early into the protocol?? 


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