Dr. Brizman's Protocol

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Staying Positive


It looks like I am going to have the cortisone injection in my shoulder on Tuesday.  It has been two months.  I have tried all that I have had approval of from Dr. B. The acupuncture makes me flare but I tried it again and it made my pain and inflammation in shoulder much worse.   Pain going in wrong direction.  It seems it is just how my body is responding.  I quesiton whether I should wait longer - my acupuncturist doesn't understand why I have gotten worse and (he thinks its just the way my body is repsonding - the inflammation.



Has anyone here tried EFT or Pro EFT in conjunction with treatment?  I understand this is something that would need to be run by Dr. B first, but I was just wondering if any of you have any experience with this.  And if so, do you feel it was useful? 



How do you deal with guilt?


I feel ike IC is ruiningmy marriage. I feel so responsible for my husband's unhappiness. I know this is codependent and I also know that he isn't miserable all the time or even often but whenever I talk to him about my true fears, like yesterday, he is so upset and I feel responsible. I just want to be able to provide my family with a nice life. My PMS has been AWFUL the past 2 cycles and I know that is part of this too. It is like I can't think straight and when I see him, it is like all I can think about is how bad I am making everything with this illness.

types of IC


Has anyone been told that their issue isn;t so much the microbial imbalalance? I am again just feeling so upset. The appointments are never long enough. I have never had die off and yet I never improve so it isn't really great. Today, she told me that it is more of an issue with my tissue becoming inflamed and irritated easily rather than microbial or yeast. I can't remember if there were any cases like that in her dissertation (I lent mine) Any input? I just feel like I am in a neverending cycle and so afraid that I don't fit the profile of people who she has been able to heal.



Hi, I am on list 3/4 and ok to try mozzarella, and feta...assuming goat cheese too, although i didn't specifically confirm this one with Matia. I keep going to do cheese section, read the ingredients, inspect the cheese and get confused and discouraged and just leave. This has been going for a month, shows how daring I am :) Can you please share some brands/types you tried and were ok with?

Embarrassing question


I have a question: is it normal to feel no pain while urinating? This is the case with my condition. I never feel pain or burn when I actually go. Also, if I feel a bowel movement coming on within the half hour, my pain goes almost away. After going it can get much worse or better. A bit of an embarrassing question but I was wondering if other people have similar experiences in how symptoms are triggered with pelvic floor activity and if this a normal part of this condition.


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