Dr. Brizman's Protocol

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I am probably grasping at straws yet again but wanted opinions. I don't eat spelt because I was trying gluten freee when I started and since I have yet to stabilize I just couldn't tell if it bothering me. I am wondering if it would be worthwhile to cut out rice. here is my question- I have good days and bad days and have had up to 13 decent days in a row all while eating rice. If I was reacting to it, would I have ever had good days? Not sure if this makes sense. I am sick of TRYING so hard and maybe I just need to forget about it and eat.

Icky symptoms after hair salon visit


Hi all

Did anyone have a reaction to being in a hair salon? I felt good this AM, but after going to the hair salon felt a little flu-ish and a little more bladder sensitivity and frequency. Also mild headache! (I never get headaches). I think it is letting up now. Of course the smells bother me and they put me near a window, but still....ICK!




Could some one give me am idea about the program besides the diet. How often one sees Dr. Brizman in person, does she work over the phone. How the program is determined/specialized for the individual, the diet, how many supps on average one must take. I am looking for insight.


i have tried so many thinks over 16 months and have felt so alone with this for so long, Carey


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