Dr. Brizman's Protocol

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Siberian Eluthero


Hi all,


Has anyone been put on siberian eleuthero? Dr brizman put me on this along with a megadolpholus. When I read the uses online for siberian eleuthero I don't really feel like they apply to me. My main symptoms are frequency and urgency. Has anyone gone on this and if so for what? And did it help frequency and urgency?



Grains or no grains? Feedback por favor :)


Hey guys!
I know there are old threads on this topic before, but I am interested in the consensus right now :)

I have found that right now at least, I cannot tolerate any grains!  Even brown rice....it's terribly annoying....but they are painful and I do really well with just veggies...I honestly don't even find myself that hungry for grains either , as I tend to eat a lot of red meat and the fat I think curbs my hunger :) 

Reflux and food?


Hi! Just me again and another question on food! I am so frustrated and don't know what to do?! I am trying to be brave and add new foods, but don't know when to push through the pain and when to stop?! I can feel my esophagus burn when I try a new food, then my stomach starts to burn and get all stabby, and within 30 minutes get awful reflux, then esophagus and stomach continue to burn and feel all inflammed, and get so bloated! Within an hour the frequency increases.

So discouraged


Just have to vent.  OK, it's true that I'm not in much pain.  However, as soon as I go off of heavy duty UTI herbs, the bacterial count skyrockets and it hurts like crazy.  This has been going on for six months and I am so discouraged and tired of it all.  I just went to my conventional doctor and they're running a culture - again - to check the counts.  I'm pretty sure that it's still going to be high as there is more blood in my urine that I usually have and it still has an odor that I never had before this infection. Dr.

For acne sufferers


Hi all

It is possible that when I increased my 2.5 % Bezoyl Peroxide about 10 days to 2 weeks ago, my bladder did not like it. (Dr. B has approved for me since beginning of treatment, but then I increased it a bit?) We don't know if my flare it is the BPO or die off or a bladder infection. I am taking myself off of BPO for a few days and may try to re-introduce at a lower amount. It is one of the only things that has ever worked on the acne I have had since age 15.


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