General Health

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Mold in the home


I wanted to put this topic up here for consideration and gather any thoughts on what impact mold in the home environment may have on our health as IC patients especially those of us who have yeast issues. When I was first getting treated for systemic yeast syndrome like 4 years ago the naturapath that was working with me felt that unhealthy houses- that were infested with mold were a serious problem and also one hindrance to getting well. I had never considered that might be making me sick. It turns out that my apartment was very unhealthy and possibly a big factor in my health decline.

Warning on Meat


Hi all!
I am not trying to slander anyone's store or company, but I would caution everyone to check labels on beef, pork, and chicken sold at Super Walmart.  I used to buy it all the time--then one day I noticed my meat still tasted salty without adding any salt.  I got suspicious and decided to read the label next time I was in the store--sodium nitrates and phosphates, couldn't believe it!!  That's the same kind of thing injected into hot dogs and lunch meat.  Be careful. 



Argh, I love coffee so much.  I posted a while back about my addiction to it and then I quit it for 6 weeks and felt so much better... Well, I started drinking it again and low and behold, gained 5 pounds.  Now, every one says oh it is because of the cream I put into it, but I can assure you it is not. When I wasn't drinking coffee, I was drinking tea like a nut and putting a ton of cream into it and still lost weight.  I can honestly also say that coffee made me want treats way more!!!

Cosmetics to Avoid


If you're like me and you like to experiment with cosmetics from time to time even though you know it's dangerous and can trigger your symptoms -- you'll probably want to avoid anything that has Cyclopentasiloxane in it. This nasty little bugger can take my relatively symptom-free bladder and transform in an exploding-balloon bladder in under an hour. It's in a number of foundations and concealers, such as Lancome Flash Retouche concealer and Makeup Forever Mattifying foundation. It's also found in a number of sexual lubricants.



I have had IC for 14 months and have been under treatment with Dr. Brizman for 7 months.  I had been doing great for about 3 months when suddenly my symptoms intensified and developed new ones.  I have read about die off, but I am not sure that is what is happening to me.  Dr. Brizman (who is great) reassures me that all will be well and is working to get the right protocol for me.  I feel fine for a few hours then I slip again.  This has been going on for three weeks. Have setbacks that have lasted for weeks happened to anyone?  I have spiritual faith and faith in Dr.



Hi everyone,  I have been under Dr. Brizman's care for 7 months now.  My main problem is vaginal irritation.  My bladder feels stronger but the vulvodynia is harder to get rid of.  Sex is next to impossible.  Is there anyone out there who is also having this problem and do you have any suggestions or words of encouragement?  This is the first time I join a forum, but since I feel very comfortable with this sisterhood I thought I would try it.  Thanks for any help you can give me.  esalinas

Safe Household Cleaners???


I have been concerned about all the cleaners I am exposed to for some time.  I am wondering what is safe to use/inhale/get on your skin.  I looked up how to make your own safe household cleaners online, and they recommend using vinegar, rubbing alcohol, and borax.  I am unsure though if these cleaners are safe to inhale or get on your skin, if they could flare ic or not, esp the alcohol. 
What about just plain ol soap and hot water???  for pete's sake, I wash my dishes with that, and I EAT of off them!!  Isn't that enough to kill germs?  But I know not all soaps are safe. 


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