Dr. Brizman's Protocol

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xiao feng san


Is anyone on xiao feng san? It's making me so dizzy I about fell down twice today and my eyes rolled back in my head so scary how did it go and what has improved if any? I seem to be having a ton of die off symptoms on it driving me crazy it's hard to hang in when its making me this faint.

Die off - Patient to Patient


I have heard some people ask on calls and on the site to list all the possible die off symptoms.  I know Maita has a list of common ones on this site. I thought it would be a good idea though to start this thread so we can all share our die off symptoms at the beginning, middle, and towards end of treatment.  I know everyones can different, but at there are also a lot of similarities.  I think this would help new bees (like me, and others) to know if something is normal or not.

5th day -feels like hayfever allergies


did anyone have die off present as a cold/ allergies/ sore throat?  I have been sneezing and blowing my nose alot (5-6x/hr). I have had hayfever and have taken Clariten/Allegra/Zyrtec daily for at least 10 years.  I quit because Matia said it would be good to cut down.  I just quit cold turkey. IN has lots of leaves and allergy stuff now (no frost yet).  Maybe I should wait for winter.  I also have a dog and it could be her.  I have not been off allergy pills in years.  If you think this is just temporary I can tough it out.  I would love some opinions. 


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