Dr. Brizman's Protocol

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Just curious If anyone has had any dizziness/equilibrium issues.  I got this about a month after giving birth to my daughter and it lingers for weeks then will go and come back against its so frustrating. I've only been in treatment about a week so it's not die off.  I've only had a full spin once, other wise it's this weird feeling like I'm on a moving boat or like the elevation of the ground is changing even when it's not.  I've had some issues with earaches but drs say my ears look totally fine. So I'm wondering if its an inner ear thing or what.

List one newbie, trying to prepare to start in 10 days-list one only recipes??


Hi All

I have my first appt. with Matia on Oct. 17th. I wish it was sooner as I am flaring from some flax/vitamin C thing I foolishly bought from my Naturopathic doctor to help get my gut moving :(

Where can I find list 1 only recipes?? It seems everything I read has list 2+ ingredients. I am not sure I will start on list 1 but I expect I will.

I have a family to cook for. How do I do list one? Just through carbs on the side for my kids I guess?

Potato Chips?


Hi All,

Quick question - do gluten free plain potato chips count as being ok for list 1? I realise either way this is probably something to be take in moderation as it's not that healthy but it IS potato so I thought perhaps as a sneaky treat here and there it might be ok? On that note - are fries ok as well?


NEW - The Little Things *positive thread*


I thought it would be good to revisit this idea of reporting the positive changes we are all going through.  The original Little Things thread is already 3 pages long, so I thought I would start a new one.  I love reading about the positive things that we are all experiencing, even if they seem small.


I am personally excited that my body is tolerating more probiotics and a little bit of Vitamin D.  I love how Vitamin D makes me sleep better and be in a better mood, but my gut still can't handle even a full capsule per dose yet.  I WILL get there though!



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