Dr. Brizman's Protocol

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I'm really interested in purchasing Dr B's book however the website is only offering shipping via Fedex to Australia which is coming in at $75+ USD!

I'm wondering if anyone would be so kind to let me ship the book to their house in the U.S, then post the book out to me in Aus via USPS?



I am seeing Dr B the end is June. I am correctly doing the diet and following my urologists protocol. This consists of Flomax, 20mg Baclofen, oxibutynin & last night just started 10mg Amitriptyline before I go to bed.

I feel like a zombie! Can't keep my eyes open & can't imagine feeling like this on a daily basis:((( has anyone used these drugs and did the help. 

I would like to eventually go off everything I just have to control my symptoms until I go to LA. I don't really think any of this medicine is doing anything other than making me feel drugs. 

Can someone share the treatment experience please ?



My therapist has asked me to contact Dr. B for my IC. Can someone please share with me like what the initial session will be. I mean what all will be done in that. I am asking this because she has told me after first session, all rest can be offline.

Also what the treatment looks like for initial 2-3 weeks like what diet, lifestyle changes usually patients have to make ?

I would really appreciate any responses


Question about diagnosis


I have my first appt to see Dr B the end of June. I have never officially been diagnosed with IC. Why are urologists so apprehensive to give all of these. .symptoms a name. I have been through a urodynamic test 2 cystcoscopies

After being put on 5 different pills, sent to a pelvic floor physical therapist & in treatment with this doctor for 3 months he finally says today you have a neurogenic bladder! Will Dr B be able to help me or was this doctor just grasping at straws! Very frustrated & in pain!

planning the trip


Hi everyone, im in the stages of booking the appointment, planning the trip to LA from australia, and even though I feel this is the best option for me right now,I just had an inner monment of panic thinking 'what if this site isnt real, what if I get to LA and ive been taken for a ride, what if what if what if? my mum is skeptical and I was so sure and hopeful that this would help me get my life back, until I listened to her and had that moment!

constant urge?


Is there anyone out there who has experienced this before?  I always had this weird feeling of "having to pee"--however for the last 6 months it is constant and urgent--exceedingly urgent.  My original symptoms were mild constant need to pee/no relief and extreme urethral pain/burning.  The pain is mostly gone (this part just flares), but the other stuff has gotten progressively worse and is constant.  I'm beginning year 5 in July, and extremely sad/discouraged.  While the first two years I was not dilligent, I have been pretty consistent about the diet for the last two years.


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