Dr. Brizman's Protocol

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Hello, and going dairy free


Hi Everyone,

I'm new to ICAMA, and I've just booked my appointment with Matia. I'm going to see her at the end of July. I'm really excited to start treatment, I've been following her site for quite a while in deciding if it was the right treatment for me, and everyone here seems really supportive, and I'm excited that I'm going to get better!! I live in Canada, so I'll be treated long distance.

In the meantime, I want to start on the diet but I don't eat eggs or dairy of any kind.

Oprah letters


I noticed a few months ago that some of you had sent letters and submitted things online to the Oprah show.  I recently was able to talk to a woman I know who is one her producers. I gave her a letter for Oprah and some information about IC and Matia's treatment. (I did get Matia's blessing before I did it!)  Anyway, now would be a good time for as many people as possible to send in letters and write to the website.  It would be great to create some awareness about IC and Matia's treatment.   Thank you!

sex & condoms


 I just returned home from my trip to California!  Matia saw my daughter and myself.  Then my husband was able to schedule a last minute appointment with Boaz.
  We are suppose to start using condoms again.  Do you have any recommendations?  Once my husband gets balanced, is he going to be able to stop using condoms?   I couldn't remember Matia's opinion on sex without condoms if both partners are healthy.  Thanks.

Bowel Movements


I have been wanting to ask this question a little while but too embarassed.  Not sure why but oh well.  When I have a bowel movement my bladder acts up for a good couple of hours.  I feel like I have to pee continuously.  Does anyone else have this problem?  It is mixed emotions when I have a bowel movement.  I am glad to have one as I know some of you deal with constipation but on the other hand I know I am going to suffer bladder wise for at least a good couple of hours.  I can't believe how interconnected our bladders and intestines are.



A number of people have talked about going through cleansing periods in their treatment - like where they have more die off, feel worse, etc. i've been going through a bad patch the last month in terms of my vulvodynia being really irritated, but in the last week or so, i've also started to have an increase in discharge. is the increase in discharge a tell-tale sign of cleansing? the thing is, while i am definitely having some other die off symptoms (some throat burnign after eating, some chest sensations, some sniffles, etc.), they are not super intense or consistent. so, i'm confused.


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