Dr. Brizman's Protocol

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Bad Time with Dizzinessssss


Anyone out there with dizziness.  I have had it for off and on for 5 months.  And I am so sensitive to taking anything herbs/probiotics right now. Anything I take makes me dizzy, except Siberian Ginseng alone.  Matia has tried a ton of combos.  Have been in treatment 7 months. Matia says that my laser eye operation for my macular pucker I had a 3 months set me back.   My dizziness is really is bad tonight.  Just took 1 siberian ginseng and 1/8 bif.



Is anyone who is mildly progressing (not severe cases or quick recoverers) still not able to have sex comfortably and/or has pain after?  (Or can anyone who's been healed speak to this?)

I started last Dec. and by May was feeling much better and able to have sex ok.  Then came a regression, and since then, I haven't been able to have sex without the vaginal tissues being tender, the actual act not too pleasant b/c it feels like it's hitting my bladder, and pain afterwards (swollen belly, urgency, feeling kinda like I've been mildly gored there).

Anyone have trouble with ground turkey?


I'm trying to figure out if it's the turkey indeed that gives me a reaction.  It seems like I have flared after having 'regular' ground turkey with 'natural flavorings' in it, and not when I've had the natural stuff from whole foods or other natural ones.  Has anyone else had this experience?  Sometimes I just feel crazy trying to figure out what's caused a reaction, but I think I'm getting more sensitive and more in tune. Sometimes have trouble trusting my instincts.

support chat


In light of the meeting being canceled I am hosting one on sunday at 12 pst time. contact me for the number if you don't allready have it. this is not the number Matia uses but the same one I use every sunday.look forward to chatting with you all



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