Dr. Brizman's Protocol

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need advice


i have been doing the diet for around a week now...prob more...
cheated a very small amount in the beginning...
but not at all now...
i had to order the herbs cause i was not able to get them at whole foods...
i am eating list one and i think kamut bread is not gna work so thats gotta go....

Do you have problems with grains


I went off grains this week and my bladder is feeling better.  This morning, I forgot about my bladder for two whole hours!  Last night, I ate two pieces of Kamut bread to see if it would bother me. I had an increase in pain three hours later.  For those of you that have (or had) trouble tolerating grains, how long after you eat them do your symptoms seems to worsen?




   At a certain point in my treatment with Matia I was referred by my rheumotologist to a "sleep hygienist". She gave me some tips and relaxation advice that helped my sleep and indirectly helped many of my IC symptoms. At that point, my bladder symptoms were 90% gone and once I went to sleep, I never had to wake up to pee. 

new herb


just added in red-marine algae to my regimen. anyone have any experience with it? good or bad? curious.

also, i took it straight without opening the capsule because it says the capsule is gelatin. those are the safe ones right? just making sure. it is by solaray.


Silver Linings Panties


I wanted to know if anyone had experience with these panties and if this is something that Matia allows or encourages her IC patients to use.

There is no taboo subject on this board right? So what about feminine odor? According to Matia's theory, bacterial and fungal overgrowth is a key component involved in IC and we all know that overgrowth of bacteria can definitely lead to odor problems.

Rx list


After the support meeting, I looked up my medications on www.rxlist.com.  I knew my medications were Tylenol and Acetimeniphin (sp?) free.  What surprised me were the gastointestinal and urinary side effects of Tramadol.  Since my former uro gave me the perscription, I assumed it wasn't going to have side effects like urinary frequency. 


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