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hair loss


Hi everyone.

I did post something about this before, but i'm still struggling so that's why i'm asking some things still.

The hairloss is still there, bald spots at the back, and hairline thinning at the front.

also there is not growing hair back, i know it takes a while, but i think it takes to long now.I am in treatment for two years and four months, and making a mess of my diet most of the time.

i don't know if there are more struggling with this, and most important;did it come back.

Brand new blood examination for cancer could improve early detection


An innovative blood test to detect cancer cells could eventually replace conventional methods. Early diagnosis could be one of the biggest benefits provided by the new cancer blood test. Testing a patient's blood using the brand new technique could result in more effective treatment and help determine if the cancer has been defeated. Article source - New cancer blood test could revolutionize diagnosis and treatment by MoneyBlogNewz.



I know they're not on list 1 for foods but wondered if i can get away with spelt oats with water for breakfast in the morning?  i find it difficult to stomach much else at this time and have always used oats as a much needed digestive kick-start, if not it seems i can go days without a BM as they say!  Or has anyone found anything that's particularly helpful in getting things going??  I find I have to avoid eggs as these have the opposite affect on me. 

Thanks :)

Just want to say HI :~)


       Im about to finally start treatment. Got a little money to get it going and enough courage(i think) to start this journey of reclaiming my health.Anyways I always get on here and read everybodys stories and kinda keep up on some that do post more frequently. Coming here is like visiting  "PLANET IC" (LOL) where everbody understands, and I always feel a lil more strength when I leave. Anyways I just wanted to say HI and I hope your all having a good day today and only on the way to having better days !!!! God Bless you  all and the fight that we are all in. ~Michelle

stomach issues anyone?


hey guys. so ive been in treatment for 2 years and was doing quite well for the most part but still dealing with some bloating and head stuff..but now out of nowhere ive had bad stomach cramps and pain for over a week with constipation, with back pain and bladder pressure(which i havent had much of in over a year) and it just worries trying to think its just another layer to healing coming out. has anyone been in the similiar boat?

Coffee Freak Out?


I know - I'm a blog hog lately - trying to keep sane.  Since my bladder has started feeling better - I started drinking coffee again - WAY too much - like six cups a day.  I just realized on my way home, even after six cups today, that I was craving it -something that I've never done  at 6:00 at night.  I gave up sugar with almost no problems - when I just thought about giving up caffeine, I almost felt the need to grab a full coffee pot, clutch it, and run for the hills with it.  I feel like I"ve just decided to wean myself off of my best friend.  Does anyone know if yeast craves caffeine?

Can I ask a question...


Guys, I posted before as I havent gone to Matia yet but am trying to stop my eating problems and doing really well on that. Ive been doing some general reading on healing bladder walls etc and was wondering how Matia's treatment works on that because I am really confused about the whole process. Am I right in thinking that the body has to be cleared of bacteria, yeast and toxins first and only then can repair work take place on the bladder lining?


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