General Health

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Dangers of Food Dyes Study


This is from a few years ago, but wanted to share this study from the Center for Science in the Public Interest on the dangers of artificial dyes. Thought it was appropriate today on St. Patrick's Day, as a lot of the public is festively (and artificially) dying their children's food green or rainbow colors to "celebrate" this holiday.

Blood tests


Hi all- I recently went to the regular MD for a physical and I got some routine bloodwork- maybe one of the first times in my life. Anyway- i obviously don't care that much about it because I recognize its limitations but I just wanted to say that my cholesterol despite eating HUGE amounts of butter, fat, meat etc is really in the "healthy" range. This doesn't surprise me at all because I have long discounted the mainstream diet advice but it was nice to see it vindicated on paper!!!



I'm still trying to play detective over what could have caused my weird and sudden setback, and trying to exclude all the variables. Two things - opinions would be great!  1) we moved house in April to an old post-war bungalow with asbestos ceilings (undisturbed) and quite a bit of mould in certain places (plan to knock down and build new). 2) We got a puppy in July. Does anyone have any experience of mould making them ill. We were living in an ancient house when I first got poorly, and I strongly associated that house with becoming ill.........  Husband thinks I'm bonkers.

Mandatory masks causing irritation! Suggestions please!!


Hello everyone! I work in a hospital and with flu season in full swing it is a requirement that as soon as I step foot in the hospital I must have a mask on and has to remain on until I leave, because I signed a form that can't receive a flu shot. The masks issued by the hospital seem to be causing irritation headaches, nasal congestion, and itchiness. Anyone else in this predicament? I emailed our director and sent me to a cooperate compliance person and said I must wear one of the masks provided by the hospital suggesting I apply some cream on my face to help with the irritation.

Feel woozy and exhausted


Hi. After feeling great on the protocol for about a year I have suddenly gone hugely downhill. I've just come off Effexor and I'm weak, exhausted, dizzy and feel terrible, but only for half of the month, I feel fine the other half. Also found out I have low iron. What's happening??  I can't stop crying and I feel like I can't do anything. I so want to run back to the doc and continue the Effexor but the being ok for some of the time suggests that this is not really what I need. Ay ideas?





Hello everyone.

I'm in treatment for a long time, with ups and downs, and a stop in between, i have problems keeping to the diet.

We live in Holland and had no computer for a long time and more problems, now that i have found the way, i made a start for an te. appt. with Matia again.

I am 18 weeks pregnant not planned, it's our fouth child, a baby is most welcome, the pregnancy however is VERY BAD going.


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