General Health

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Talking to others about alternative medicine


You know what is so weird to me. When I am talking to someone and I bring up alternative medicine, or doing things naturally they get all defensive. Like for example, my coworker was talking about taking her 5 year old son to go get a root canal. I told her that I have read many articles about healing the teeth naturally, and there is alternative choices. I told her I would email her all the articles I was referring to. But she was all defensive about it, and kind of upset that I brought that up. It's like she was annoyed, and rolling her eyes at the thought of it.


Interesting research news on ICN website ( it's actually quite good!)


Hi all,


Had a quick look at the ICN web site today and there's some quite interesting stuff in the latest research section,  by Ken Peters - a urologist no less,  who suggests that the bladder is just an innocent bystander in all of this AND there's tacit acknowledgement that pharmaceutical companies have promoted the 'bladder wall' theory only, at the expense of others. I never thought I'd see ICN write like this on their website. Maybe times are changing (for the better?) and some decent research will be done?

Hot like a furnace


HI all, anyone also feel very hot at night ?  Not night sweats but just like your body is kicking out some serious heat?  This is nothing to do with external heat, it's as though my body has stepped up a gear, heart rate is slightly elavated and just hot.  In the daytime I'm cold so it's odd..  Just another part of the healing process I'm sure..

myth? olive oil heated is a trans fat


Hi, hopefully someone can answer this one.  I was told just today that using olive oil to cook at high temperatures turns it into a trans fat - the worst kind of fat.  Is this fact or fiction?  I'm inclined to believe it's not true but I have seen some information that using it beyond it's smoke point (who would?) could cause problems..  I fry most of my food as my grill doesn't work.  Am I doing more harm than good?  Are we supposed to be avoiding fried food as much as possible?

the biological clock


Hi all, so here I am again needing to share the things that even my family and friends do not know.  My partner and I are waiting to have children, it's my 37th birthday next month and the clock is ticking!  There's things that I know about the risks of passing health problems to our children through our own immune systems being weak and good bacteria low and who knows what else so I wait and wait and in the meantime I worry that I'll miss the chance.


Flank and Kidney Pain


I am new to this site and have never shared information about my IC on line.  If some of my questions have been covered in the past please bare with me. I am a 53 year old male that has had IC since I was a child.  I was officially diagnosed 7 almost 8 years ago and at the time was so happy that I finally had a diagnosis.


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